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You are viewing Cheat Codes for X-Men Legends 2 : Rise of Apocalypse System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-07-31 23:18:16 Views : 31058 Iron Man Collect the four homing beacons in each act to access the secret area to retrieve a piece of his armor. Collect Four Pieces. Play as Professor Xavier Successfully complete all Danger Room missions. Easy items In Act 2 after you rescue Beast on Mikhail's Warship, Blink will open a portal back to Avalon. Go through the portal to Avalon then immediately return to the warship. The scene of rescuing Beast will play again, and the ship will be undamaged. You can go back and get all the items again. Repeat this as many times as desired. Additionally, to get easy Techbits, health packs, energy packs, and items, return to the top of Apocalypse's tower where you fight Archangel. Smash all of the containers to get random free items. Repeat this as many times as desired. Have Gambit and Toad on your team. Have Gambit use Prince of Thieves, and Toad use Plunder (this requires at least two extreme points). Do this when near a weapons cache and you can get about five times the amount of what you would normally get. This includes health/energy packs, and Techbits, but you still only get one special item. Strong Iceman Iceman is the strongest character in the game. If you boost him correctly, he can kill most of his opponents with just a single hit on melee attack. Distribute his Status Points wisely, developing more on his Focus and Speed. At his Projectiles Mutant Powers, concentrate on his Cold Crush, and a little in Freeze Beam and Ice Slide. Do not spend Skills Points in Boost Mutant Powers, as they are useless. Also, if the rest of this is done correctly, Iceman will grow strong enough to easily fight alone. Spend the maximum you can in his Passive Skills, particularly in Ice Combat and Cold Mastery. Get the Danger Room Disk: Challenge - Iceman, and get and equip his Signature Unique Item, Cryogenic Booster. That brings a very good trait, Double Cold Damage. As for other equipment, put some that give bonus to Damage (not Energy Damage, Electric Damage, or Radiation Damage). If done correctly, Iceman can hit easily his enemies (because of the high Speed), hit lots of enemies with the Cold Crush Projectile Mutant Power, and will inflict lots of damage. For example, you can do 500 and even more damage with melee attack, depending on your level, because of the Passive Skills, Ice Combat, Cold Mastery, and the Cryogenic Booster Signature Unique Item. Recommended team Having two blasters (for example, Magneto) and two brawlers (for example, Wolverine) works well. The following team is highly useful, because there are times where you will need a mutant with super strength to move an object out of the way. If you need a bridge formed, use Magneto. If you need a flyer, both Magneto and Ironman will work. The heavy metal group is Colossus, Juggernaut, Ironman, and Magneto. Play as Iron Man Find the four homing beacons in Act 1 through 4 and collect the piece of his armor that each set unlocks. Then, save Iron Man after finding the four homing beacons in Act 5. Good combo This combo works when you have Wolverine and Juggernaut on your team. With Juggernaut, walk over to Wolverine and pick him up, just as you would do to a chair or other item. When you throw Wolverine, he will do a diving attack to nearby enemies. This also works if you need to send Wolverine over large holes. Strong Gambit Once your characters get to about level 30, use Sunfire, Bishop, Toad, and Gambit as your team. The idea is to pump up Gambit as much as possible. Put as much of the stats as possible into each ability as follows: Sunfire = Flaming Fury, Bishop = Energy Fury, Toad = Secretion, Gambit = Energy Form. Also, put an extra 6 or 7 stats into each characters Mutant Mastery so that they will recover EP faster. During the game, activate all the abilities listed above and switch to Gambit. He will be able to run very fast and be super strong. Eventually he will have +200% movement, +400% or more attack and many of damage and defense bonuses. Also, because they regain their EP fast, you can reuse the abilities as soon as the affects wear off. Professor X Beat all the Danger Room missions Deadpool Beat the game Completion bonuses Successfully complete the game to unlock the hard difficulty setting (enemies at level 50). You can also start a new game with your previous characters at their current experience level. Play as Deadpool Successfully complete the game. Final area First, step into the power chamber in the middle of the vault of ages. Since there is only a limited amount of time you have to use the harmonic powers, choose a faster character to do this. There is a yellow meter that will show you how much harmonic power time you have remaining. Go straight up or straight down to reach the generators. The downward path has a small maze in it. Go right instead of left. At the generator, Apocalypse will be waiting. You must beat him up before you can destroy the generator. Destroy the generator and repeat the same process with the other one. It does not have a maze, and it will be a straight shot directly to it. Just like before, Apocalypse will be waiting for you at the generator. After destroying the power of the harmonic machine, he will bring statues of the horsemen to life. You must focus your attacks on the horsemen and get them out of the way before tackling Apocalypse. When you kill the horsemen, they will return to statue form. Then, kill Apocalypse twice to complete the game. Note: Make sure you have a full load of health and energy packs before attempting this. Team bonuses Use a team with the indicated characters to get the indicated bonus: Age of Apocalypse (Any four heroes with Age of Apocalypse skins): +100% attack rating Agile Warriors (Nightcrawler, Sunfire, Toad, Deadpool): +5% experience points Brotherhood of Evil (Juggernaut, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Toad): +5% experience points Bruiser Brigade (Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolverine, Rogue): 20 energy gained per knockout Dark Past (Rogue, Deadpool, Gambnit, Wolverine): 5% damage inflicted goes to health Double Date (Rogue, Gambit, Jean Grey Cyclops): 20 health gained per knockout Energy Corps (Gambit, Bishop, Cyclops, Iron Man): +5% damage Family Affair (Magneto, Professor X, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut): +5 health regeneration Femme Fatale (Storm, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Jean Grey): 5% damage inflicted goes to health Forces of Nature (Storm, Iceman, Sunfire, Magneto): +10 to all resistances Heavy Metal (Colossus, Juggernaut, Iron Man, Magneto): +10 to all stats New Avengers (Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bishop): +15% maximum health New X-Men (Nightclawler, Storm, Colossus, Wolverine, Sunfire, Bishop): +15% maximim health Old School (Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Magneto, Toad, Professor X): +15% max energy Raven Knights (Iceman, Professor X, Iron Man, Deadpool): +60% techbit drops Special Ops (Bishop, Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Gambit): +5% damage Not enough codes for you? 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